Drops of Joy

She lived a happy, single life. She never let loneliness captivate her. She had the best of friends, the best of hobbies like reading, listening to music and playing her PS3. The one thing which gave her a lot of joy was a smile. Smile from any random person would actually make her day. Tantra actually treasured those little drops of joy.

When she rides her scooter behind a bus and the commuters getting down flash a smile onto her or when a truck driver driving through a waterlogged road, splashes water on her and smiles, she smiles back. She has no time for worries. She wants a life without complaints, without tension and obviously with a lot of joy. She visits orphanages during her off days, distributes chocolates, clothes, knowledge, etc. And in return she is overwhelmed by the happiness on the faces of the kids. That again makes her day. While she is riding across the city she always carries a box of chocolates with her. The only thing she gives to the children begging near the traffic signal is that chocolate. She is normally taken aback when the chocolate gives more joy to them than money.

She lives for herself in the complete form. What would she do with all the money she gets? Browse online and check which bank would give her a better interest rate on her savings. She is least bothered about that. She purchased a car just to make her maid’s autistic kid happy. She drives the car during the weekends with the kid and the joy she receives when he smiles is immense.

Tantra didn’t buy joy. Infact truckloads of joy tracked down her. She kept doing those little things which gave her happiness.

Although this is a short one but joy is never short lived. Money isn’t just about everything, satisfaction also comes in. If you want to do something which you believe will give you lots of happiness, go ahead and do it. Forget about the damn world. Forget about the people who’ll complain. You ain’t stealing. You ain’t faking. You’re just doing the thing you love to do. When a company advertises to live life king size, go live it. And live by not sitting on loads of money, live by ‘living ‘ in a coccon of joy, happiness and awesomeness.

If little drops of water can fill a mighty ocean, then quite obviously little drops of joy can make your life much more beautiful and worth living for. 

Stop complaining and start living. Living the joy called life.


  1. didnt see this coming, wont call it a welcome change after the socially hitting articles, but something different to look out after, tantra seems to have lost the power with too much of joy, such posts can be just called as a break from the other well written ones. at the end,this is not a great one.

    1. Thank You Marcos. I'll certainly work on the feedback and based on numerous replies I have got for this post through other communications has also been in the negative.
      Stay Blessed.

  2. awesum...loved this 1..!! ;)


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